Jonathan Boccara's blog

Effective ways to get smarter

Move your brain.

Not literally, of course. If you've ever thought that with some effort you could become a little smarter than you are now, that's a good thing. Reflecting on the development of intellectual abilities is the first step toward the goal. Be inquisitive, constantly learn new things, figure out how the processes you are interested in function, get to the bottom of things you don't understand. You will be surprised at how many unknowns surround you.

  • How to do it?

Occupy your brain with useful work, switch from your usual routine to something you haven't done before. Acquiring new skills will help your brain become more flexible and will have a positive effect on your mental activity.

Read books

It is scientifically proven that reading not only expands vocabulary and horizons, but also helps to develop the imagination. When we read books, we are immersed in a new world and experience emotions that we would be unlikely to experience in reality. If you want to increase your emotional intelligence, read more good literature. It's one of the most effective ways to improve your brain function. Don't be afraid to seem like a nerd, read our article 7 points on why its cool to be a nerd and you'll be the smartest.

  • How to do it.

Go to the library, buy a subscription to a service where you can read books online, make a list of books that you've long wanted to read, but never got around to it. Set a goal to read at least one book a month.

Give free rein to your emotions.

There is an emotional intelligence, which helps us to control and manage our feelings, and there is a rational intelligence, which is responsible for our ability to think systematically. Typically, more attention is usually given to the rational intellect, and this is not quite right.

To feel comfortable, you have to keep in mind the emotional component, which can help you learn to adapt to constant change and promptly solve problems.

  • How to do this?

Do not be afraid to talk about how you feel. If you're unhappy about something at work or at home, tactfully let the people around you know about it so that you can work together to solve the problem. Of course, it's not always possible to find a solution, but at least you won't keep the negativity inside forever.

Do it the other way around

This method may seem quite absurd to some, but it is quite effective. Try brushing your teeth with a different hand than the one you usually use. Try holding the mouse in your other hand. Can you do it? When we make small changes to what we're used to doing, our brain is forced to think about how to get the same result as before, taking all the changes into account. This is good for its functioning.

  • How to do this?

Challenge your brain to look for unexpected solutions. Take a new route to work, learn to navigate maps in an unfamiliar city, talk to your friends in the language you're learning.

Leave the search engines alone.

We search for information every day and don't even think about how easily it comes to us and how quickly it wears off our minds. Just a couple of clicks and we already have the answers to all our questions. The Internet is, of course, the easiest way to find the information we need. But it makes our brains incredibly lazy, because we no longer have to think about the fact that we don't know something.

  • How do we do that?

Try to do away with search engines, automatic translators, converters, and calculators, at least for a while. Try doing calculations in your head, looking up the answer in a book, or counting expenses in a column. Yes, it will take much more time, but it will make your brain work and you more careful with information.

Play mind games

Brain stimulation games and programs are usually designed by neurologists and cognitive psychologists to improve different parts of the brain. You can find a variety of games: some develop memory, others develop attentiveness, others improve your spatial orientation, and still others teach you how to concentrate.

  • How do you do it?

Think about exactly how you'd like to pump your brain. Want to train your memory? Play games that teach you how to remember different sequences. Want to become more observant? Play games that require you to look for different objects. You can choose how to train your brain yourself.
