Jonathan Boccara's blog

If you decide to spend a vacation in Rio

Rio de Janeiro is a beautiful city located on the Atlantic coast. Many Brazilians like to say that God created the earth in the first six days, and on the seventh created Rio de Janeiro. In this city, luxury easily gets along with poverty. This city is known not only for its kilometer-long beaches, but also for its cultural heritage, which means there is something to see here.
Statue of Christ the Savior
The monument with a height of almost 40 meters is the most popular place for tourists. Every year, several million people climb this statue to see the stunning view that opens from such a height.
The decision to build this monument was announced in 1921, and the grand opening and consecration took place exactly 10 years later. It is noteworthy that all the parts were made in France and delivered by transport to Rio de Janeiro.
Sugar Loaf Mountain
Sugarloaf is a mountain, almost 400 meters high, which rises above the Guanabara Bay.
There are several opinions why this mountain is called that way, the first version suggests that the mountain is shaped like a lump of sugar, and the second version says that at one time the mountain was covered with cane sugar. Everyone decides for himself which version is closer to him.
You can get to this beautiful place by funicular, the ascent takes place in several stages, with a transfer. There are cozy restaurants on the top of the mountain, the prices in which, by the way, are quite high, but the view of Rio, drowning in the rays of the setting sun, is worth the money spent.
Rio Carnivals
To visit the carnival in Brazil is the dream of many tourists. It's just an enchanting spectacle, arranged only once a year, at the end of February. This is the loudest, most colorful and most cheerful holiday not only in Brazil, but also in the whole world. Carnivals held in Rio are considered the most disciplined of all. The holiday lasts for 4 days and nights, and the beginning of the holiday takes place on Saturday. The most memorable sight presented at the show is the samba schools. For this purpose, a special sambodrome is being built (an alley with a length of 700 meters), where representatives of the most famous samba schools arrange a unique spectacle. Each step is honed by the dancers for months, because the preparation for the carnival begins almost the day after the end of the last one.
According to tradition, the holiday begins with the transfer of the "keys to the city" to the carnival king, who becomes the sole ruler of the city, for as long as the carnival lasts. And everything ends with a parade of champions, who recover by a specially assembled jury.
You can talk about the carnivals of Brazil endlessly, but it's still better to see it, because the impressions of this show are guaranteed for life.