Jonathan Boccara's blog

Higher maritime education remains the property of men

If a seafarer lives more than 300 km from the GDR port where the ship entered, or if he cannot get there by public transport in less than 12 hours, 2 days are added to the vacation. It should be noted that the seafarers receive an average of 500-600 marks per month more than the employees of the shipping company working ashore.

The retirement age in the GDR is 65 for men and 60 for women. There are no benefits for the crew in this case. There are quite a lot of women on GDR ships — 600 people. Specialties such as "waiter" and "radio operator" are the most "feminine" on ships. Higher maritime education, however, remains primarily the domain of men.

In general, sailors in the GDR live much better than the "average" resident of the country. They earn a lot by GDR standards, first of all they are provided with everything, they have no difficulties with vacations. In the DR there is a special service system for the wives of sailors, which helps them in almost all cases of life.

Of course, there are problems. One of the main ones is the acute shortage of housing. For seafarers, the average waiting time for an apartment is 7 years in Rostock, where the country's only shipping company, the Deutsche Freightseerederai enterprise, is located. But in general, the advantages of the seafarer's profession in the GDR are much greater than the disadvantages. Maybe this is due to the huge number of people who want to become sailors.

By the way, it should be noted that the GDR merchant fleet does not experience a shortage of personnel. Moreover, there is even an overproduction of them at the moment. According to experts, there are up to 400 people in total in the ship's crews, without whom it would be quite possible to do without.

Unusual ships for unusual cruises

The current stage of development of the global passenger fleet is characterized by the fact that the largest financial investments are made in the construction of cruise ships with increased passenger capacity. Its average value increased from the 60s to the 70s from 600 to 1200, and by the early 80s - up to 1800 people. Accordingly, the most common vessel size varied from 16-20 thousand reg. tons (the first specially built ships for cruises) to 30-45 thousand reg. tons. This growth was accompanied by a sharp improvement in the comfort of passenger rooms, an expansion of the range and an increase in the volume of services provided on board.

However, there are quite a lot of people in the Western world who are willing to pay a lot of money for "strangeness". And in this, operators see great reserves of the cruise market. Passengers are attracted by creating an appropriate environment on the ship, providing various additional amenities, and a high level of service. A combination of business events (conferences) and leisure on the flight is designed for certain groups of passengers. Other operators provide an even more specific service, organizing round-the-world "adventure" cruises through remote regions of the world, in Antarctica, on the islands of the Pacific Ocean, New Year's walks, themed trips, etc.


There is a fairly active sector of cruises on low-tonnage luxury cruising yachts. This form of cruise business was stimulated by the appearance of two ultralux ships of the Sea Goddes type, built by the Värtsilä shipyard for Norwegian operators. Currently, these vessels have been transferred to the bareboat charter company Cunard for $ 50 million, which provides passengers with a level of services and comfort that even large cruise ships are not able to provide. The motto of these vessels is to attract passengers: "Our cruise ship will go where no other ship will go." These vessels sailed in the waters of the Caribbean and Polynesia. Americans make up 90% of passengers on such flights. The daily cost of the cruise is from $700 to $ 1,240. 여기에 전 세계 플레이어 기반을 충족하기 위해 다양한 결제 옵션을 제공합니다. 전통적인 신용/직불 카드부터 전자 지갑, 은행 송금까지 플레이어는 안전하고 편리한 다양한 옵션을 선택할 수 있습니다. 카지노는 또한 대부분의 요청이 24시간 이내에 처리되는 빠른 인출 시간을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다.