Jonathan Boccara's blog

Season of the Lost Exotic

In Destiny 2: Season of the Lost, Bungie introduced a new exotic LFR and three exotic armors (one for each class) from the original Destiny. In this guide, we've detailed everything you need to know about how to get all the exotics added to Destiny 2 with Season of the Lost.

Destiny 2: Season of the Lost Exotic

Each day will rotate a Legend and Master Lost Sector that will have either a rare (Legend difficulty) or Normal (Master difficulty) chance of dropping a piece of exotic armor if you complete the Lost Sector alone. Pay special attention to the type of armor that is dropped from two different Lost Sectors, as only one type of armor will be dropped on each of them that day. For example, on Weapons Day, you can get any exotics that are in the corresponding armory of weapons.

The Lost Sectors also have modifiers and champions, so make sure you have fully disclosed the details in your director. So you know what weapons and modifications you need to bring, because they will lock your equipment at launch.

The legendary difficulty has a power level of 1320, while the wizard difficulty has a power level of 1350. You will also be limited to only three revivals. So you don't want to try them when you are too low on energy, as it will be a long hard fight, and your time would be better spent on other activities to increase your power level.

The active Lost Sectors will change every day, so you'll need to check areas like Dream City, Moon, Europa, and EMZ to find them.

Nothing Manacles—Warlock This exotic gauntlet gives an extra Scatter Grenade charge. On top of that, it also provides Scatter Grenade projectile tracking.

For cosplayers, you can order copies of the bracelets online.
