Jonathan Boccara's blog

Get Ready to Blaze: Tips for Newbies On How to Hit A Bong

There are many situations when a bong is used to smoke dry herbs or tobacco; this is mainly done for relaxation purposes or for medicinal purposes. In the case that you are a new user of the bong, the process may not be straightforward. This article explains exactly how to use a bong and some safety tips that should always be in your mind when doing so.

Components of a Bong:

First off, even to use a bong, you have to understand the components that make up a bong and what each one does. Any regular bong comes with five basic components: a bowl, stem, water chamber, downstem, and mouthpiece.

  • Bowl: This is where your dry herb or tobacco goes. There's a small opening at the bottom of the bowl, which allows smoke into the downstem when it's ignited.
  • Water Chamber: This is filled with water before smoking from the mouthpiece. Water helps in removing impurities from your smoke and cools it for easy inhaling.
  • Downstem: This is the part that continues from the stem down to the water chamber and, thus, acts as the pathway for smoke from the bowl to enter the water chamber. To add, there are also small openings at the bottom of it that let smoke pass to the water chamber where smoke is filtered.
  • Mouthpiece: This is where you place your lips while inhaling smoke from the bong. It should cover your lips completely so as to ensure an air-tight seal, preventing the escape of smoke while taking in puffs of smoke.

Requirements For Using A Bong?

To use a bong necessitates:

  • Lighter or matches
  • Dry herb or tobacco
  • Water
  • A Bong

How to Use a Bong:

Got everything you need for using a bong? Great, let's get started. Here's how you do it:

    Load up your bowl with dry herb or tobacco and set it into your bong's stem. Point the hole at the bottom of the bowl downward so smoke can reach the downstem– easy peasy.
  1. You're all set and ready to go! Time to form an air-tight seal by placing your lips around the mouthpiece. "
  2. Dawn a lighter or match and carefully light up your herb or tobacco in your bowl while gently inhaling at a measured pace. This action pulls smoke from the bowl down the downstem, into our water chamber and voila; straight into your mouth!
  3. Inhale and release slowly before finally exhaling through either nostril or mouth. Remember not to breathe in too fast! That could lead to choking on impurities which get filtered out by our friendly neighborhood water chamber method. Safety first folks!

Funny how something as simple as using a bong requires such guidance isn't it? True though, as someone who has been in this industry for more than decade can attest! Based on what I have observed, doing it wrong can lead to some hilarious situations; dont you think? Although if it was up to me. .. never mind - just follow these steps carefully alright? You wouldn’t want any mishaps now would you?

Playing it Safe with a Bong

  • Remember to give your bong a good clean on the regular, wouldn't want any nasty stuff getting into your body when you're trying to chill, would we?
  • When it comes to wetting your whistle, cold water is the way to go. Hot water could make your glass bong shout "I've had enough!" and crack You wouldn't pour boiling water into a cold glass now, would you?
  • I'm sure we all love watching flames dance about! But trust me on this one — never let a burning bowl out of your sight. You'd avoid setting loose an indoor firework display!
  • Surely, we all enjoy puffing merrily away but isn't fresh air fantastic too? Keep those windows wide open, nobody likes living in a smoke machine after all.

Farewell Thoughts:

Note that common sense can save the day. It's always better safe than sorry with fire hazards with a bong in tow, don't you think? Never leave your bowl aflame and best confirm the venting situation - I mean breathability is essential for life after all!

Once in my experience, using cold water has always won over hot while filling up the chamber of my bong. If it was up to me, I'd rather not risk cracking my smooth glass sufferer over some heated H2O experiment. Safety first makes every smoking session all the more inviting!
