set_match: Matching up Elements Between Sorted Collections
The STL offers a handful of algorithms on sets. They are important to master, but they’re only the tip of the iceberg of what we can do with sets.
In this post and the next few ones, we’re going to get deeper into the topic of algorithms on sets, by extending the algorithms on sets that the STL already offers.
Here are the topics of our series of algorithms on sets so far:
- How to check if 2 sorted collections have a common element
: Matching up Elements Between Sorted Collections- Implementing
in One Line of Code - STL algorithms on sets: one algorithm to implement them all
- Algorithms on set returning a boolean: exploring the algorithms
- Algorithms on set returning a boolean: implementing a generic algorithm
- Algorithms on set returning a boolean: a strong template interface
- NWH: Adapting algoritms on sets
Today we look at how to match up equivalent elements between sets.
The problem
In C++, we call “sets” sorted collections. std::set
s are sets, but not only. For example, std::map
s and sorted std::vector
s are also “sets” by that definition.
So we have two sorted collections, and we’d like to match up the equivalent elements between the two.
A typical case where this is useful with maps with common keys, and we’d like to pair up the matching elements with the same keys, in order to put their values together.
Let’s take two maps (maps are sorted collections) to illustrate:
std::map<int, char> input1 = {{1,'1'}, {2,'2'}, {3,'3'}, {5,'5'}, {7,'7'}, {8, '8'}}; std::map<int, std::string> input2 = {{2,"two"}, {3,"three"}, {4,"four"}, {5,"five"}, {7,"seven"}, {11,"eleven"}};
The two maps have some keys in common: 2, 3, 5 and 7.
We’d like to obtain a collection that pairs up the corresponding elements in the map:
std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<int, char>, std::pair<int, std::string>>> results = { { {2,'2'}, {2,"two"} }, { {3,'3'}, {3,"three"} }, { {5,'5'}, {5,"five"} }, { {7,'7'}, {7,"seven"} } };
Let’s design an algorithm, say set_match
, to implement this.
How do we go about implementing set_match
Also, all the algorithms on sets are in linear time. Can we keep this complexity here too?
There are several things to consider for the design of set_match
Comparing the keys
With set_match
, we need to determine if two elements coming from the two collections are equivalent (not equal, but equivalent). In our case, that means to have equivalent keys.
So we need to be able to compare the keys of the elements of the maps. The maps contain std::pair
s of keys and values, but operator<
on std::pair
doesn’t compare on the key (the .first
) only. It performs the comparison on both the key and the value (.first
and .second
). This is not what we want.
To compare on the key only, we have to define a comparison operator:
struct NumberCharStringCompare { bool operator()(std::pair<int const, char> const& numberWithChar, std::pair<int const, std::string> const& numberWithString) { return numberWithChar.first < numberWithString.first; } bool operator()(std::pair<int const, std::string> const& numberWithString, std::pair<int const, char> const& numberWithChar) { return numberWithString.first < numberWithChar.first; } };
Note that we’ve used the double functor trick to implement the comparison in both directions.
has to accept two sets and a comparator (such as NumberCharStringCompare
). To allow it to produce its output, let’s also give it an output iterator. This will allow it to be consistent with the algorithms of the STL, and it’s a good thing to respect the conventions of the STL.
Its prototype is then:
template<typename Set1, typename Set2, typename OutputIterator, typename Comparator> OutputIterator set_match(Set1&& set1, Set2&& set2, OutputIterator out, Comparator comp)
We make it return the output iterator to be consistent with the STL on that too.
Implementing set_match
All the algorithms on sets have the same structure. They compare elements of the two sets together on move on this way:
- if the one in the first set is smaller, move on in the first set,
- if the one in the second set is smaller, move on in the second set,
- if they are equivalent, move on in both sets.
This is what gives them a linear complexity.
What makes the difference between the various algorithms is the additional operations we perform in either one of those three cases before moving on.
For a detailed example of how this algorithm works in practice, you can take a look at how set_difference
is implemented.
What’s specific to set_match
is what it does in the case of two equivalent elements: it pairs them up and sends that pair to the output iterator.
Put another way, the algorithm for set_match
is this: we compare the first elements of both sets together, then:
- if the one in the first set is smaller, move on in the first set,
- if the one in the second set is smaller, move on in the second set,
- if they are equivalent, send the pair to the output and move on in both sets.
Here is what is looks like in code:
template<typename Set1, typename Set2, typename OutputIterator, typename Comparator> OutputIterator set_match(Set1&& set1, Set2&& set2, OutputIterator out, Comparator comp) { auto it1 = begin(set1); auto it2 = begin(set2); while (it1 != end(set1) && it2 != end(set2)) { if (comp(*it1, *it2)) { ++it1; } else if (comp(*it2, *it1)) { ++it2; } else { *out = std::make_pair(*it1, *it2); // <- the specific operation ++out; ++it1; ++it2; } } return out; }
Okay. Let’s try this out with our original inputs:
std::map<int, char> input1 = {{1,'1'}, {2,'2'}, {3,'3'}, {5,'5'}, {7,'7'}, {8, '8'}}; std::map<int, std::string> input2 = {{2,"two"}, {3,"three"}, {4,"four"}, {5,"five"}, {7,"seven"}, {11,"eleven"}}; auto results = std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<int, char>, std::pair<int, std::string>>>{}; set_match(input1, input2, back_inserter(results), NumberCharStringCompare{});
After this code has executed, results
should contain the matching elements of the two maps, paired up.
To check that, let’s put some code together to print the contents of results
void print(std::pair<std::pair<int, char>, std::pair<int, std::string>> pair) { std::cout << pair.first.first << '-' << pair.first.second << '|' << pair.second.first << '-' << pair.second.second << '\n'; }
And let’s invoke it:
std::for_each(begin(results), end(results), print);
The program outputs:
2-2|2-two 3-3|3-three 5-5|5-five 7-7|7-seven
This is indeed what we expected. You can find the whole code of the program here for reference.
in one line of code
is an algorithm on sets with a quite classical implementation. Could we reuse some other code that performs this classical implementation and implement set_match
with it?
It would be nice to have a generic algorithm that takes care of the general structure of the traversal and comparison of the two sets, and which we would reuse to implement other algorithms like set_match
This is what we see in the next post, where we’ll implement set_match
in one line of code. Stay tuned!
You will also like
- STL algorithms on sets
- How std::set_difference is implemented (video)
: higher-level algorithms on sets

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