Fluent C++ Is 3 Years Old
As Frédéric Beigbeder has it, Love Lasts Three Years. Let’s hope that a blog lasts longer than that because…
Fluent C++ is 3 years old!
Three years. That sounds like a long time, especially if we think about in terms of number of posts. With two posts a week for three years, that makes more than 300 posts, combining mine and our fantastic guest authors’. Indeed, we hit the 300 bar a couple of weeks ago:
We just reached 300 published posts on Fluent C++!https://t.co/pEMjYYJnDh
— Jonathan Boccara (@JoBoccara) October 8, 2019
Let’s take a moment to celebrate!
Let’s also take a step back on the past year and think about what the coming year will look like.
The third year of Fluent C++
What happened this year?
The major event that happened for me is a baby that came on the planet this year. Her name is Anna, and I send her lots of love. There is a bit of time before she can read those lines though (she currently speaks the international baby tongue (“aaaaaahh”), she’s planned to speak French after that, then when she masters English she will know from this post that her dad sends her tons of love).
Back to the blog, we had 104 posts about making code expressive, including 27 guest posts. And a big thanks to the awesome guest authors!
By the way, if you know something about making code expressive, why wouldn’t you write on Fluent C++ too?
Those 104 posts of this past year approached the theme of expressive code under a variety of angles. One theme that we talked a lot about recently is the pipes library. It’s a library based on a simple concepts to manipulate collections in C++: think of your code as plumbing, where data flows through pipes.
Here is an example of an elaborate pipeline:
Its corresponding code with the pipes library would look like this:
A >>= pipes::transform(f) >>= pipes::filter(p) >>= pipes::unzip(pipes::push_back(B), pipes::demux(pipes::push_back(C), pipes::filter(q) >>= pipes::push_back(D), pipes::filter(r) >>= pipes::push_back(E));
The pipes library are a complement to other libraries out there, for example ranges.
Another major event for me this year is that I published my first book, The Legacy Code Programmer’s Toolbox:
It’s a book about being efficient and–just as importantly–happy when working with legacy code.
In this book I share advice about how to stay super motivated even if there is legacy code in your job, how to understand legacy code quickly, and plenty other practical tips that make your life easier when working with legacy code.
The book has over 750 readers on Leanpub now, this is very cool.
I want to thank Kevlin Henney for his help with the book and for writing its foreword.
The fourth year of Fluent C++
What will we see on Fluent C++ for this coming year?
More posts!!!
So far Fluent C++ has been publishing posts twice a week. Now that it’s been three years, should we maintain this rythm? Or go down to one weekly post? What do you think?
Also, it would be great to hear the (written) voice of more people. Publishing the guests posts of last year allowed a bunch of brilliant developers to put their ideas out there in front of the readership of Fluent C++.
The readership of Fluent C++ represents some 80,000 visitors every month. This is an incredible mix of people that can give feedback on your ideas. And don’t be impressed by the numbers: the feedback we get is constructive, and guest authors often get new ideas by discussing with readers in the comments sections of their post.
Another thing I’d like for next year is to present pipes at C++ conferences. There are a lot of blog posts delving into the details of the library, and a 1-hour long presentation to give an overview would be a good complement.
Also, there is a topic I’ve been researching lately and that I’d like to write about: algorithms on sets. The STL offers some algorithms on sets, but it’s only the tip of the iceberg of what we can do with this family of algorithms. More on this later.
All that said, the reason why we write on Fluent C++ is for you, dear reader who is reading these lines. So first, a big thank you for being here. And then, what would you like to see on Fluent C++ in its fourth year?
Happy birthday, Fluent C++!
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